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Rock D'Acquisto of Point Wilson Darts crabbing deep off Dallas Bank in the Strait of San Juan De Fuca.

Ken with Full On Auto And Marine in Eureka Ca. finalizing a Power Hauler installation on a 30ft. Osprey

John Beth of shrimp fishing in Discovery Bay located off the Olympic Peninsula in Washington State.

Met once more with LT Wartick NOAA Field Operations Officer on the 231ft NOAA Ship Fairweather
to deliver the last of the five HD923 Power Haulers before the ship departs for Alaska and the
Northern Arctic. The Power Haulers have been used for the 2 past years on the five Fairweathers
32 ft hydrographic survey launches to lower sensitive mapping equipment equipped with side scanning
and bottom looking sensors to map the ocean floor.
The hydrographic mapping equipment shown below is lowered between 5 -300 meters (16 -1000/ft) using 3/8' line. The new floor mapping data will be used to update the NOAA charts
used by the military, commercial, and civilian population. (
Pictures were taken near Shelikof Island, AK)

Three Rivers Marine in Woodinville WA. about to deliver a new North River after installing a Power Hauler HD618
with the remote air bellows foot switch option (red puck on floor and the control box on wall).

Eddie & Jody Hendricks with family and friends shrimping outside Ketchikan Alaska on their 32' Bayliner.

John Wilson Marine Operations Manager with the Duke University Marine Laboratory
in Beaufort, NC installed our HD923EX motor unit onto their existing davit system
for use in their on-going marine research projects.

Tallapoosa County Rescue Squad in Alex City AL equipped their rescue boat
with the HD923EX using the winch drum conversion. The rescue squad uses
the HD923EX to raise and lower their sea bottom scanning equipment to assist in
their ongoing recovery missions. The winch drum is loaded with 600ft of 1/8 in.
orange Amsteel cord providing 2500 lbs. tensile strength.

The Daphne Search and Rescue also equipped their rescue boat with the HD923EX.
They later converted to our Amstel loaded 6 inch drum as well.

Eli Ledbetter writes "I bought a puller last year at the boat show and I was a bit of a tough sell. I have to say it really exceeded all of my expectations.
I have attached a couple pics of my puller. I went shrimping around 40 times with over 200 pots pulled and much more than that crabbing with zero issues with the puller.
I usually run 50-60lb shrimp pots and the puller handles them great even in rough water."

Alaska Tim shrimping in Price Williams Sound with his new HD923 he purchased at the 2018 Great Alaska Sportsman Show in Anchorage.
(Check out his video in our website Video Gallery)

Jeff in Bellingham WA. showing us his installation of our HD923 Capstan Anchor Puller / Pot puller windlass on his river sled.

In Portland Quebec Canada the local fire department adapted the HD923EX to power the gurney lift on their 24ft Zodiac rescue boat. Notice the block and tackle which reduced the Power Hauler lifting speed by 75% (a comfortable 20ft/min) which in turn increased the load capacity by 400%.

David is lobster fishing (Californians call this bugging) off the coast in Southern California with a custom gunnel bracket setup.

Steven Kesling owner of Adventure Charters in Seattle WA. provides the best fishing charters in the Seattle area. If you want to fish for salmon, bottom fish, or crab in the Puget Sound - he's the charter to do it with.

Everett in Valdez Alaska using his Power Hauler HD618 to lift his wife's 70 pound halibut off the boat.

This is the completed installation of one of our schedule 80 manual pot puller kits we donated to "The Never Forgotten Project" for use on their Parker 2520 located in San Diego,
Ca. The mission statement for The Never Forgotten Project is to provide veterans access to a variety of ways to enjoy the country they fought for that includes: fishing, hunting, camping, and sailing.
Founder Frank Bongiorno is shown with the end result of the installation - a fine catch of Southern California lobsters. We're promised more pictures as the fishing continues and have provided a
link to their website on our links page if you wish
to learn more and/or donate to this great project

Chuck - The power hauler is working great. We have been taking advantage of the few good days of weather we get in the fall. On this particular day
we were sampling for mysid shrimp doing triplicate vertical tows at three sites ranging from 90 to 120 meters for the Lake Champlain long term water
quality monitoring program. The power hauler worked flawlessly with little drain on a 12 volt marine battery. Luke M. - Lake Champlain Research Institute Plattsburgh, NY

Dianne of Discovery Bay Marine Gear with her friends Jack and Pete pull their first pot in their string using a HD923 and hit their limits for everyone.

Julie and K9 showing off our Discovery Bay Marine Gear hat. Go to our Accessories department and get your own today!

John Hines shares a picture of his Power Hauler on his North River

Rudi's newly finished HD618 installation.

Another Three Rivers Marine installation on a customer's new North River.

An example of using a Cannon downrigger mount with the upper gunnel bracket

Nice example of a through gunnel installation

Mike and friend enjoying a good day of deep water shrimp fishing off the San Juan Islands in Washington state with their model HD618 Power Hauler (notice our Scotty downrigger adapter for the gunnel mount).

Another example of a through gunnel installation which seconds as a gas grill mount when not in use!
(Magma POW’R GRIP® Fish Rod Holder Mount PN: A10-175)

Massimo Valentini lobster fishing off the coast of Perth Western Australia with his new HD923 and a couple of nice looking lobsters. Nice work on the adapter plate for the gunnel mount.

Glenn King and family prawn fishing in the Strait of Juan de Fuca with a new HD619 - looks like a limit for one of them (thanks for the photos Glenn).

Thom at Raith America Corp. has found a different use for the schedule 80 pot puller davit. Thom explains: the Power Hauler schedule 80 davit is being used to raise and lower an electron beam column. The center column
seen with aluminum foil on top is the actual electron beam column itself where electrons are accelerated down the column at a 50,000 Volt potential.
These electrons are used to expose a photo mask or semiconductor wafer and write a pattern on them in an attempt to build nano circuits. This research tool is only creating one offs.
If the experimental design works as planned, it might be utilized at Intel or some other microchip manufacturer to continue the downsizing of electronic devices.
The Yellow light present reduces UV interference in the clean room. These are pictures that show the bracketing and added hand winch. The actual weight supported is near 200 lb. which is at its limit but handles it well.

Randys Thunderjet with a new HD618 installation in process

Finally had a chance to install the new Power Hauler yesterday. Couldn't be more happy with the puller, and it is nice to buy something that comes with everything needed to install.
I only had to go to the local marine store twice, and that was for nuts and bolts, and additional heat shrink covers. I used your soldering method (video tutorial on the website) for connecting the power cables to
the battery lugs.
I'm very happy about my new pot puller and can't wait for May 14th to arrive to test it out. Thanks again for demonstrating your puller to me at the Seattle Boat show
and I look forward to many years of good use. I have attached some pictures of the install on my 1986 Trophy 2560.
Ryan L.

Randys Thunderjet with a new HD618 installation in process

Steve Chamberlin of Sounder Solutions out shrimping with his son. Last picture shows what happens after catching your limit with using HD618 Power Hauler.

Back in November I ordered a davit. As you may recall, I needed to make the vertical 5'. Here is the finished product. It all works like a charm. The straps on the harness are seat belts since
they are thin, flat, strong, and wide, to spread the load. Thanks for a great and versatile product. Dean - Waldport, OR

Jim Jones and his wife from the state of Oregon just finished installing their new HD618 Power Hauler and get their limits that weekend.

Tim and his wife on a successful crabbing trip in the South Puget Sound with their new HD618 crab pot puller.

Rick Huth in Alaska made use of our new extended tube mounting bracket allowing him to install the Power Hauler in spite of a short deck to gunnel distance.

Bryan of Olympia WA. also took advantage of our tube mount kit on is new center console skiff.

Gene Myers installation on a 20 ft. Proline using our Scotty mount adapter.

After a day of crabbing with his new Power Hauler Bob beach beaches his dory off the coast of Oregon.

Bill's new HD923 installation with a set of custom brackets we made for him.

Roberts skiff with the Discovery Bay tube mount PN: 120121.